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Enjoy excellence in every publication by Laurel Sobol ๐ŸคŽ


 This is a story about heart, giving, caring, and providing a way to show love to others by coming together in the community and behind the scenes picture of how it all began. A story about human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants being restored one person at a time in an outpouring of love and friendship bridging the gap of time healing the wounded mending the broken.

I began to paint in earnest as a teenager in high school. After becoming a mother, my passion to paint grew with my passion to be a good mother and wife, and human living on earth in God’s creation.
My heart was filled with love for God and all the gifts he gave beginning with every breath and heartbeat. I was grateful to be a child of God, and to have my family, especially becoming a parent. The more children I had the bigger my heart grew until it grew so big and so fast that it over flowed into the universe because my aura could not contain all of the love inside of me given by God. 
In 2003 my children were very young, and paintings flowed like waterfalls from my soul and heart, God given energy put into canvas, the fine art grew and grew. By 2004 I had a sizable number of fine art paintings and contacted PBS in Medford Oregon, seeing if they would be interested in working with me and my art. I spoke to one of the representatives there, he suggested I write some poetry to go with my paintings, and I agreed this would be very nice. I began to incorporate poems into my art, and would continue to do so for the next decade.  
We lived right under a flight path near the Medford airport, the toxins between this and winds blowing the I-5 pollution directly over our home gave us incentive to move to a place we dreamed of living and perhaps finding retirement one day. We decided on Coos Bay Oregon. We had visited this town and known of it for decades, and both loved it.  
We sold our home in God’s time, and moved to Coos Bay, don’t ask how I did it with three little kids, I just did with God’s gracious love, but there was still a price on my health due to toxins in the air, water, medicines, vaccines, housing and everything in the world polluted quite intentionally by corporates controlling the world and mainly the New World Order elite corporate banksters not even residing in America but offshores of America using tax dollars of people globally to fund global genocide and earth destruction for personal gains.
Hundreds of cities underground exist to house these individuals when they completed the task they set out to ruin all of God’s creation, but the genocide signal went out, and the global people are aware of the plight they are in for the fight to survive.  
Please join over 8 billion people globally to restore human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever because the 5th civilization of genocide underway will not do, we will live!
I have over two thousand books, journals and videos to enhance the human experience and condition globally, to enrich lives and bring God to the attention of the world community as a being who is loving, worthy and wonderful, our creator, which no man or entity should try to put asunder that which God put together, including all of his creation forever***

We moved into our new home on a mountain with a park like setting just out of town in Coos Bay along the river flowing into it. 
In Coos Bay my husband Robert, a lifetime member of the DAV, Disabled American Veteran, met the leader of the Coos Bay DAV Chapter, and soon became a member of the DAV there. Gene Wood was the leader, and he was a pilot from the WW II period. He was tall and slender, with compassionate fine eyes. He put together functions for veterans and their families to get together to enjoy time with one another and learn about each other. He often took veterans to their hospital appointments far and wide, when they otherwise could not get there on their own. Gene Wood asked Robert to be the Commander of the DAV in Coos Bay Chapter 38. Robert didn’t take long to happily agree to the position. Robert introduced our family to Gene Wood, and everyone liked Gene at once. Then Gene Wood and his lovely wife came over to our home and were invited to a micro art show. I gave Mrs. Wood a print of a Japanese garden painting because she liked it very much. I wish I had given her the original one now.  
We talked about art, health, and the healing effects of art on the mind and body. No doubt I had a hand in suggesting that somehow we put together a fine art show for the veterans and their families at the Roseburg VAMC.  
Gene and his wife were not young, they were in their 80’s or so. Yet both were very active, and it was my understanding that they had both worked very hard towards the DAV and community for quite some time. The open warm arms of this couple was genuine and good to experience. We were welcomed into Coos Bay properly by them.  
We attended as many of the DAV functions that we possibly could, and this included outside BBQ’s with all the fixings and trimmings. Local supermarkets helped donate items for the gatherings to offset the costs. Sometimes the DAV met at a pizzeria, or at a meeting hall. It was always a nice time getting out and about and meeting new people, talking about life, and their lives, our lives together.
The year was lovely but it seemed that it did not warm up much that year in Coos Bay, and we could not walk very much or get exercise with our family. We decided to move inland, to an affordable town in the Willamette Valley, a place to send our kids to schools and settle in the neighborhood and town, and a place they could easily get to college when they graduated from high school.

As time went by, we talked with Gene Wood further about doing an art show for the veterans at the Roseburg VAMC, and we began to forge ideas that would work for it to happen. The things we needed, the things we needed to do prior, set up a place and time, get the right people involved, and then get easels and the art together and have the show.  
I contacted the volunteer department at the VAMC and talked with a few people there, a time a date was set. Then we just needed easels to put the paintings on so that they could be viewed properly.
Gene said he would get the easels together, and make them himself, a feat that would be remarkable for anyone, let alone someone so busy and preoccupied as Gene at the time. Gene got to work, he worked and worked on those easels, until the last one was done just before the art show began. He loaded them into his car and drove them to the hospital and met us there.
We had loaded up all of the paintings that were to be on display for the art show, in the back of our SUV, and packed our family in as well, all five of us.
We made the nearly two hour drive to Roseburg and were happy but tired before we got there. We got approval from the offices, and proceeded to unload all the paintings, as we waited for Gene to arrive. He arrived after us by about an hour. We all set up the easels, put the paintings on them, and with grateful hearts, opened the doors to the veterans and their families, to come and enjoy the fine art to their heart’s content.
Gene, Robert, and I all greeted the people coming into the great hall so enjoy the art. We answered questions and enjoyed ourselves as much as the visitors. I had specifically requested that the veterans in the inpatient of mental health be allowed to come to the art show, that they be included and not left out. This was agreed upon and the show was a success because they attended the show too.
As the hours went by, it was hard to count the number of people viewing the show, some returned and came around a time or two. Others came once. We should, on retrospect, have had a sign in area. But to respect the veterans and their privacy, it was best the way it remained without a sign in area.
As the veterans and their families, and workers from the hospital ventured into the great hall to view art and see what was going on, the list of visitors grew. Perhaps a hundred or a hundred and fifty people came to enjoy the fine art, find a new perspective, and hopefully fill their minds and heart with more joy from the experience of sharing art together.  
The veterans and other visitors were very friendly, and asked various questions about the art, the medium used, and inspiration. One veteran came by that especially caught my attention, a young man in his long hospital gown. He stayed for a period of time and appeared to be enjoying his experience very much. He was about done looking at the art when he came up to talk with me. He wanted me to know that the art was very nice, and that collectively it had more value as a whole, and he said that it should not be sold but kept together.
I listened with my heart, I listened with my soul, I listened with all my might…he was saying words that I knew to be true because I had pondered these very things for a time, and when he said these words, I knew it was true. I had to keep the collection as one and in doing that the integrity of the whole was the sum of my art walk as far as the pictures went.
Some of the paintings at the art show are in two books that come in many versions, as well as found in several videos produced by me. Paintings of national parks and state parks in North America and South America, Yosemite National Park, San Francisco, Shore Acres in Oregon, Grand Canyon National Park, Arctic tundra and a veteran’s memorial bridge a scale painting 2:3 of a wooden bridge in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Many flowers, and other paintings as well. The names of the books are Dawn and Sunrise, both featuring poetry with each painting.
The art show came to a close, and we shut the big wooden doors. The paintings were taken down and packed back up for the long ride home. We helped Gene get ready to go. He said to keep the easels all of them but a couple, which he wanted to keep for himself. It was a big surprise to hear this news, very wonderful. We thanked him profusely for working with us to put the art show on, and again thanked him for the easels he provided, and before shaking his hand goodbye, thanked him a third time for building the easels and sharing them and his time with us because we knew what a big thing it was all in all.
We all had big smiles after the show heading home. I happened to get a migraine, sadly, but treated it, and was feeling better by the time we got home shortly after.
Gene and his wife continued to put gatherings together, and the one we liked so well besides the park BBQ’s was one held at the pizzeria on a hill in Coos Bay. Hot pizza after hot pizza was ordered up and served to the big gathering of veterans and their families. It was nice to sit and eat so much pizza with so many friendly people!
The time of year that the art show was held was in September. It was right after that when Robert and I decided to move our family inland to the Willamette Valley. We put our home up for sale, and it sold shortly after. We trusted God, and put our concerns in his hands. We found just the right home and moved in just before Christmas 2004. It was the second move of three major moves in three years, a huge feat considering we had three kids, and two of them were babies during two of the moves. I still can’t believe I did so much myself from packing and unpacking most of the things myself, and caring for my family, and raising my kids…doing so much myself, I could only have done it with God’s grace.
After September 11, 2001, when the nation and world were terrified of unknown marauders who ransacked New York Twin Towers, a hush fell over the world as people wondered how they could be safe and sound.
I was in such shock at the time of the disaster, that I thought I might miscarry my baby on or after that time, but thank God I kept her to term and she came out just fine.
In response to the threats such as the collapse of the Twin Towers, I wrote a poem and had Robert edit it for me, called Freedom In America. This too was put in a book and video format available to the world. My Laurel Sobol youtube channel contains this video for your enjoyment, it is mellow and powerful, loving and good and addresses humanity and freedom as human rights.
After arriving in the Willamette Valley, my health took a second dive, that would keep me ill for a number of years, and after many doctor visits, and a surgery, it was discovered that I suffered from several conditions, all of which led me to question why? I was not alone in my health issues, my entire family was suffering from various components of bad health from life threatening allergies to foods and drugs, to exposure to toxins and known allergens that the school system promised were not in the foods or in the schools, but clearly were…these food toxins and allergens sickened our family with chronic illness, to the point where our baby had allergies to the toxic foods and succumbed to community pneumonia from her class room exposure in the third grade.  
I and my husband took the issue to all local departments and authorities all the way to the superintendent of schools of Oregon and the Dr. and same man Governor Ted Kulongoski and his RN wife to help us through our health crisis with our family. Nobody would assist us. We ended up taking two of our children out of public schools and ready to take our third child out, except by then the high school was not using the toxic foods or allergens by then, so she stayed in high school.  
I home schooled my children fourth grade through ninth grades, and of course helped school them in preschool as their teacher, and helped them in all their studies too.  
I had been a good parent while my kids were in public schools, volunteering many times, and even giving art lessons to the entire school, and giving art exhibits as well.
Taking my kids out of public school and deciding to home school them was one of the best decisions of my life. I only wish I had done it earlier, and with my oldest when she survived her first major anaphylactic allergic reaction to one of her food allergens within a month of starting schools in the area.
You may wonder how Gene Wood and his wife come in the picture here, well we remained friends with them for a year or two, then lost track of each other, by this time Gene and his wife were well in or near their 90’s.
On my sleuthing I discovered some people who helped open my eyes to share what I know with the world, people who I proudly list here, who don’t sponsor or support me, who work on their own or with others, but who I found to be helpful humanitarians who not only care about their brother men and women, but the world, and people who surely love God.
These people are Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Dr. Tent, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Rev. Michelle Hopkins-Mann, Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Barrie Trower, Dr. Vandana Shiva. Many others have opened my eyes along the way and helped me to see beyond the propaganda presented by tyrannical entities globally, namely the elites and all who are complicit and complacent with global genocide.
Gene went to war like millions and millions of men and women before him. His wife sacrificed too, long after they met and were married, she lived with the broken parts of Gene trying to restore and rebuild the man behind the pain and suffering of war. Gene had his trials, his dad had been disabled as a young man when Gene was a kid. His father was a railroad worker and had injured himself when he got caught between to railroad cars, and was lucky to have lived through the ordeal. His dad lost both legs in the accident, if I recall correctly, the story was so horrific when I heard it. 
Gene believed he had fought for freedom of tyranny in WW II, and he was not alone, millions, no billions globally thought the same thing. Little did people know these things. The Feds were created to mandate that taxes be paid for the Civil War, in 1913 because the war had not been paid for. Elite corporate banksters created the United States of America Corporation, and this is solely a tiny number of people living offshore of America but controlling it from inside out and from the top down. A second Constitution was built safeguarding the elite interests, and people were no longer seen as people but as individual corporations.
Elite corporate banksters set wars, set sides in wars, bankroll wars, giving the winning side the most money and supplies insuring the outcome, which is what happened in almost every war. The elites don’t like to pay for anything themselves, everything is funded from people such as Americans who think they are buying and paying into a good thing.
The day the Twin Towers went down, was a few days short of the Feds having to disclose vital documents, that happened to go down in a second building leaving no trace of any documentation whatsoever. Also a major unprecedented super storm Hurricane Erin lurked about ten miles east of New York that fateful day of 9/11/2001, but few people knew of this then because almost nobody mentioned it, even though it loomed and could have devastated the entire of New York and Long Island, and more of America.
After this time, people were promised protections from hazards and hazardous conditions with technologies that could save people and lives. Things that work together, but have actually been used before, in prior ruination of civilizations that preceded the global genocide in effect for quite some time, 1500’s to be exact.
First let me give some background, every incident and disaster is used to move ahead as a surfactant and mechanism to increase power intensely.

From the onset of nuclear power, the toxins and poisons it affects through it’s radiation waste and byproducts, nuclear power facilities that begin to be a problem of leaked emissions of toxins from the onset of being built, most of which are built on or near earthquake faults. My video Space Men address this in the non fictional portion of the video.
Hundreds of HAARP stations globally,
Millions of miles of Space Fences spanning sea beds, across nations and continents, and up into outer space with drones and cell towers,
GMO genetic modified organism, GM Genetic Modified, and BT Bio Technology, Glyphosate
and other toxins primary from nuclear power plant radiation waste byproducts.
Chemtrails with the above toxins and others sprayed from jets, and ethanol BT, GMO automobiles and industry;
Man made plasma rings around the earth, using the sun’s natural plasma and trapping it in Chemtrail rings layered up to ten and more layers thick, as high as fifteen layers and perhaps more that reach out into outer space…used with the technologies here to direct storms and devastate humans and animals and plants alike. 
Entire forests are dying off globally from Chemtrails because the plants dysfunction when their ‘brains’ cell membranes get sick from the toxins and fail to operate, the forests die and the animals too.
Water is destroyed from the toxins and from toxins intentionally ruining water supplies globally from rivers, lakes and seas, to groundwater, underground rivers and lakes as drilling for natural gas and fracking for natural gas, drilling for oil takes drilling to a new level using toxins injected into the wells, drilling nearly to the core of earth, all water coming in contact is spoiled with toxins and heavy metals and acids and alkaloids. All for short term profit and to melt the poles, reverse the magnetic poles, and perhaps even trying to steer earth in some opposite direction to what and where it is naturally going on it’s path through Lankakea, God’s great universes of universes where earth is moving at great speeds so fast we cover a million miles in a day of travel time.
Over a thousand nuclear bomb tests over sea and land since the creation of the modern bomb, on top of the ones in wars;
Incidents and accidents most of which are not reported or ever known, but others such as two prior to 1960 from Santa Susana in Simi Valley Ca, and San Onefre in Southern California, Fukushima and Diarchy in Japan, Chernobyl. Almost all nuclear power plants globally are on or near earthquake faults intentionally.
Incidents like Gulf Oil spill, oil spills off the Arctic and South America, elsewhere are used to intensify man made creations of storms of all kinds and yet unknown. The technologies above used together or individually to make floods, drought, spread disease, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados and more. The toxins listed are in all foods and products except rarely in organic foods. However USDA has allowed even these GM, GMO, Glyphosate into Organic Labelled foods and products, and even though non GMO labeling has been useful it does allow for Glyphosate and any other toxins to be added to the product, still making it unsafe and toxic to those who come in contact with it.
All the technologies and toxins including Fluoride added to health care products and many city water supplies, a nuclear power plant radiation waste byproduct and chlorine. These toxins damage the ‘brain’ cell membranes of every living organism causing dysfunction, and inflammation, death and these are the total of the most used tools by elites in their global genocide against all of God’s creation.
A popular trend is for companies to buy ethical and moral companies then corrupt the product making it unsuitable and unhealthy for use or consumption by anyone and anything.
After storms are made and directed at dissident nations and groups of people, including entire countries, relief aid is sent in loaded with toxic foods and medicines, toxic housing and supplies, which in most cases the devastated remaining live people must take and use in order to survive, often homeless from losing homes to floods and high waters, earthquakes and other means.  
Ethical people are condemned globally by the elites and suffer greatly, as in the past, millions and billions of people dying year in and year out as a consequence for being decent. The Nazi Holocaust prototype is used globally, Chemo therapy and drugs, Fluoride in water and toothpaste and additives, as New World Order, moves forth with more wars and genocide. Using so many tools like the Georgia Guide Stones, with population for healthy earth at 500 million people…
Do your research, do your part, realize that non GM and non GMO and non BT are a great thing but that other toxins threaten God’s creation can and often are inside these products that say they are okay. Organic foods and products may have some toxins in them too, it is important to read labels closely for the optimal health of your family, friends and community members.
If Gene and the millions of warriors fighting for global peace knew what was happening on a global scale it would make them ill, but most are dead, and most died as a result of the toxins listed and used against them described here. For the sake of mankind, it is important that people turn to God for guidance and protection, and love him with all their heart and soul.  
The New World Order NWO, One, World Bank, Geneva Convention, World Court, United Nations and elite corporate banksters are all complicit and complacent with the Nazi style global genocide going on when it did in WW II and up to and including now and into the future until it ends.
The Nazi people and like minded individuals got away and are getting away with murder globally of all God’s creation, from WW II when 5 million Jewish and 6 million Christian sympathizers were killed mainly euthanized and administered Fluoridated water prior to execution so they would not resist execution so badly.  
These people involved in the Holocaust were taken after the war and put in places of governments around the world, nuclear power plants, city water supplies and other places where they could continue the global agenda of genocide of God’s creation one and all.
You can help, share your wisdom with your kids, your family, and have them research the data to confirm your knowledge and findings. Join the global community to stop global genocide or genocide anywhere on earth forever. Soli Deo Gloria forever.

*** This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, please join over 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress