Mother’s Rock! ๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟ‍๐ŸผMoms Around the World Especially in America Take Back What's Yours Demand Just Rewards! Tired of Giving Your Child Away To Be Indoctrinated By People You Don't Trust Day After Day Year After Year? Do Something About It By Joint Effort of Women For Family Values And Integrity! How? Instead of Tax Credits For Child Care Dished Up By The Government For Someone Else To Raise And Or Care For Your Children Through The Distribution Of Jobs Transfers, Pull Your Resources Of People Power Together Jointly, Together, And Get Paid What The Trickle Down Effect Is Divvying Out To Unfathomable And Utterly Wrong Individuals At Schools And Daycares! How Can This Happen? Parents Can Rear Their Children To Be Upright Citizens For God, Family and Community Because Parents Are Natural Teachers With God's Built In Knowledge.

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Moms Around the World Especially in America Take Back What's Yours Demand Just Rewards!  Tired of Giving Your Child Away To Be Indoctrinated By People You Don't Trust Day After Day Year After Year?  Do Something About It By Joint Effort of Women For Family Values And Integrity!  How?  Instead of Tax Credits For Child Care Dished Up By The Government For Someone Else To Raise And Or Care For Your Children Through The Distribution Of Jobs Transfers, Pull Your Resources Of People Power Together Jointly, Together, And Get Paid What The Trickle Down Effect Is Divvying Out To Unfathomable And Utterly Wrong Individuals At Schools And Daycares!  How Can This Happen?  Parents Can Rear Their Children To Be Upright Citizens For God, Family and Community Because Parents Are Natural Teachers With God's Built In Knowledge.  Resources Are Abundant And Can Be More Abundant So Parents Can Teach And Care For Their Children All Ages...Let Lawmakers and the President of the United States If you live there, gather as parents for a better world, and never back down from this ideal agenda.  Yes, Parents can reclaim what they have largely lost to the system of absolute anarchy and down right lawlessness in the nation for decades running!  Parents should be given the cash value the government happily and frolickingly give to secondhand people providers for children under 18 years of age.  This money given to households who teach and rear their own children under the guidelines of homeschool around America, and the guidelines of how much money is given out to others, many teachers never qualified to be in the position in the first place, though not all teachers, and give the money amounting to approximately two thousand to five thousand dollars for every school year alone, this is not the cost of money that would go into the family for caring for their young and older children for daycare they provide within their own homes.    The tax credit is nothing compared to the cost that can be given to every family per child they do daycare with at home and don't have to shuttle their children out to farmed services of child care facilities.  The total sum of money per child in a household that goes out the door to second hand providers is no less than approximately between $10,000 and upwards of that amount depending on how extravagant the daycare and schools are.