Is The Commander in Chief Keeping Their Oaths? If Not They Are Criminal! Keep Your Oaths To God… Protect Our Precious Protectors Years Later…Still No Improvement. Memorial Day Special Update…Is The Pattern Ready To Improve For The Betterment Of Veterans And Military?
*** This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, please join over 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress
Perhaps The Commander in Chief will obey The Uniform Code of Military Justice so help us God!
a) Enlistment Oath.—Each person enlisting in an armed force shall take the following oath:
“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
US President Joe Biden’s "hate speech" on the American soul today perfectly matched the “dystopian aesthetic”, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi. "Far from unifying the country, the President is keen to paint half of America as filled with extremists who want to destroy democracy," Ms Panahi said. Ms Panahi also noted the “sinister backdrop”. "Far from unifying the country, the President is keen to paint half of America as filled with extremists who want to destroy democracy," Ms Panahi said. Ms Panahi also noted the “sinister backdrop”.
In this year 2024 the VA phone system altered its message but…The deaths of military and veteran suicide is not better.
Ethics and values, core values, why do over 22 Veterans and at least 1 Military man or woman die daily from suicide, perhaps this is part of the answer, if I told you the entire answer you would not learn it even then. As a lifetime member of the DAVA, Disabled American Veteran's Auxiliary, a branch of the DAV, Disabled American Veteran's, it is time to speak up for the bullied, beleaguered, exhausted, abused, heroes of our society, for even at this writing in this paragraph and production, yet another child of loving parents has died and is no longer in this world. It matters not how old this baby is, perhaps 17 up to does it matter, they are children of the mighty creator God, and every child, every person deserves a human right. Almost all veterans and most of the populations of society are over drugged for pain, depression, and anxiety, suffering one of the three or some, or all...Does HAARP stations of over a hundred, and millions of miles of space fences, over a million cell towers and drones, radiated and targeted from elite corporate banksters and others affiliated with the USA which is the United States of America Corporation founded in 1913 to tax Americans to pay for the elites Civil War, WW I, WW II, and ongoing wars since then, now zero gold is in the coffers of the Federal Reserve affiliate and part and parcel of the USA Corporation...Now what is going on with our veterans, did you figure out the puzzle yet, or is it still a puzzle. As well, a global genocide is in effect, those especially and surgically removed are the knowing and people with morals and values, those seeking or wanting a freedom, freedom of not being bullied, freedom to practice religions, freedom to believe in God and Jesus, freedom in not having to live and endure Dhimmi and Dhimmitude and a continued ever long war of modern day Crusades...