๐War on Kids— A 7 year old child has some tall orders for language expectations is not only a very rare gift, the Pentagon of USA believes 7 year old children are skilled and wired to determine whether they want to be a sex other than what they were born as—However the reality is that if a grown person like Biden has the infamous bad communication and language skills that have been dealt with by a barrage of other professionals to do damage control daily. The big problem is additionally that Biden has taken America to war in Ukraine and Russia, and stancing with China, has multiple poor relationships and language skills that are dangerous and a threat to Americans everywhere and the world. Biden as well has demoralized America by allowing millions of migrants into America illegally and unvetted. Biden and the Obama Biden Pentagon Regime are setting up American youths for more financial disparity, discrimination and creating massive homelessness and home foreclosures that will be given to others. The Pentagon and Biden are also training all children that Caucasian children are bad and racist and need to pay the price for by feeling persecuted and victimized— The Pentagon, Obama-Biden Regime, Biden-Harris Regime, Bush-Bush Regime all are working together to destabilize the country and world. Pentagon and Biden and Trump are also behind the toxic mRNA death jab shots and behind policy to add such shots to childhood vaccine schedules when there are 40 times too much already. Why is this happening, it’s because they Biden and Pentagon operate the Depopulation arm of the Pentagon which was supposed to be stopped by Trump when he ordered that they, the Pentagon, stop, which they did not do.
A 7 year old child has some tall orders for language expectations is not only a very rare gift, the Pentagon of USA believes 7 year old children are skilled and wired to determine whether they want to be a sex other than what they were born as—However the reality is that if a grown person like Biden has the infamous bad communication and language skills that have been dealt with by a barrage of other professionals to do damage control daily. The big problem is additionally that Biden should never have been planted into the office of US President unorthodoxly and who has taken America to war in Ukraine and Russia, and stancing with China, has multiple poor relationships and language skills that are dangerous and a threat to Americans everywhere and the world. Biden as well has demoralized America by allowing millions of migrants into America illegally and unvetted.
Biden and the Obama Biden Pentagon Regime are setting up American youths for more financial disparity, discrimination and creating massive homelessness and home foreclosures that will be given to others.
The Pentagon and Biden are also training all children that Caucasian children are bad and racist and need to pay the price for by feeling persecuted and victimized— The Pentagon, Obama-Biden Regime, Biden-Harris Regime, Bush-Bush Regime all are working together to destabilize the country and world.
Pentagon and Biden and Trump are also behind the toxic mRNA death jab shots and behind policy to add such shots to childhood vaccine schedules when there are 40 times too much already. Why is this happening, it’s because they Biden and Pentagon operate the Depopulation arm of the Pentagon which was supposed to be stopped by Trump when he ordered that they, the Pentagon, stop, which they did not do. Genital mutation and surgery fine line? Torture and degradation to a people and taking more advantage of our people seeking to feel better who have mostly been abused and used badly. It’s time to stop the crimes!
What is female genitalmutilation or cutting (FGM/C)? Female genitalmutilation/cutting refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of external portions of or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The reasons given for conducting FGM/C encompass beliefs about health, women's sexuality, and community and adulthood initiation rites.
Eliminating female genitalmutilation. Since the middle of the last century many international and national organizations and agencies, both governmental and nongovernmental, have set up programmes to halt or reduce the prevalence of FGM. Thanks largely to their efforts, clauses prohibiting the practice have been incorporated into a large ...
May 2, 2019Last November a federal judge dismissed some charges against eight people, including two doctors, in the genitalmutilation of nine girls at the clinic. The Justice Department won't appeal the ...
Female genitalmutilation is classified into 4 major types: Type 1: This is the partial or total removal of the clitoral glans (the external and visible part of the clitoris, which is a sensitive part of the female genitals), and/or the prepuce/clitoral hood (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoral glans).
(Natural News) A Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mass vaccination site in Colorado was shut down as multiple people experienced adverse reactions after receiving the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine. The incident occurred in Commerce City, a suburb of Denver, at a mass vaccination site set up by private health corporation Centura … [Read More...]
(Natural News) For a party that screams racism and "Jim Crow Laws" on a daily basis, we note the hypocrisy of then arguing that blacks cannot read properly, cannot do math because asking for a "correct" answer is somehow racist, while insisting on handing out free money for no other reason than the color of their skin is black. (Article … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice. (Article by Simon Black republished from SovereignMan.com) Prayer Book Urges “help me to hate … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Comparative data on differing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) responses across the nation is finally being released, and things are not looking too good in states where rates of compliance with mask wearing and vaccination are highest. In Michigan, for example, which currently leads the nation in Chinese virus vaccine … [Read More...]
(Natural News) The World Health Organization (WHO) rejected the use of Wuhan coronavirus vaccine passports for travel purposes. It cited concerns linked to the effectivity of COVID-19 jabs in reducing viral transmission. Equal access to vaccines was also mentioned as a reason for the global health body's rejection of vaccine passports. … [Read More...]
(Natural News) A recent study revealed that intermittent fasting can help with heart health, improve blood chemistry and reduce the risk of diabetes. The study, published in Nutrition Research, looked at the benefits of time-restricted feeding – in particular, the 16:8 intermittent fasting method – in healthy college men. "What we are … [Read More...]
(Natural News) A variety of sweet potato emits a specific odor that not only deters incoming pests – it also alerts neighboring plants of its kind to the presence of a threat. That's according to researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (MPICE) in Germany and National Taiwan University, who examined a sweet potato … [Read More...]
(Natural News) New research from South Dakota State University revealed how exposure to neonicotinoids – toxic pesticides associated with bee deaths – could be causing serious birth defects in white-tailed deer. Published in Scientific Reports, it showed that adult white-tailed deer with elevated levels of neonicotinoids in their … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Multiple countries around the world still have stockpiles of chemical weapons. Some, like Syria and North Korea, have stockpiles that they haven't declared to international regulatory bodies. This means that the possibility of you getting yourself stuck in a chemical weapons attack is more likely than you think. If you … [Read More...]
(Natural News) We have received word that the private information of more than 533 million Facebook users has been leaked to the public. Facebook users from 106 countries, including more than 32 million users here in the United States, had their Facebook IDs, full names, phone numbers, locations, birthdates, bios, and in some cases, … [Read More...]
(Natural News) United Airlines joined other corporations and the US government in making identity characteristics a qualifier for employment. On Tuesday, the company announced that: (Article by Libby Emmons republished from ThePostMillenial.com) "Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every … [Read More...]
(Natural News) "Boycott baseball and all of the woke companies that are interfering with Free and Fair Elections. Are you listening Coke, Delta, and all!" — President Donald Trump fired a high, hard fastball at Major League Baseball on Friday night, urging fans to boycott the "national pastime" over its decision to pull this year's … [Read More...]
(Natural News) The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has claimed to stand for constitutional freedom over the years but have frequently failed to live up to their mandate. (Article by Shane Trejo republished from TheBigLeaguePolitics.com) A recent update to the ACLU’s privacy policy has exposed that the group is sharing … [Read More...]
(Natural News) With each passing day, it's becoming increasingly obvious that mRNA vaccines are a death weapon against humanity. Now, we're learning that mRNA vaccines may pose a threat to the viability of the human species thanks to the fact that a mechanisms exists whereby mRNA sequences can be transformed into DNA and inserted into your … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory Disease, warns that governments will continue to deceive populations and lie to people about infectious disease diagnosis, transmission and risk. The government’s perpetual deceit and authoritarianism during the covid-19 … [Read More...]
(Natural News) The Aspen Institute Commission on Information (AICI) has been tasked with launching an effort to eliminate "misinformation" and "disinformation" from the internet, and none other than billionaire eugenicists Bill Gates and George Soros are funding the operation. According to reports, numerous key personalities from media, … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Former President Donald Trump regularly cajoled Congress to take up the issue of Big Tech censorship of right-leaning and conservative content, only to see a few lawmakers -- Republicans all -- pick up the gauntlet and demand that Section 230 be repealed so the platforms could be treated like publishers. But because Big … [Read More...]
(Natural News) According to Apple, it is totally racist for residents of Georgia to have to show proper identification before being allowed to vote. However, when it comes to allowing people to travel internationally without a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine passport," Apple says not a chance. To help facilitate the global … [Read More...]
(Natural News) On Thursday, April 8, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that governments can make vaccinations obligatory because they are "necessary" in a democracy. Experts stated that this ruling could have massive implications for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination policies throughout Europe. The ECHR made this … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Conservative commentator and Blexit leader Candace Owens called the experimental coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination for children "a type of child abuse." On March 31, Owens tweeted: "Experimental vaccines on children who have an approximate 0% chance of dying from the virus for which they are being vaccinated against is a … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Chile's government was praised throughout the world for its "model rollout" of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. But the South American nation is now being hammered by a massive coronavirus outbreak that has threatened to overwhelm the country's health systems. The Chilean government has vaccinated more of its … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Ever since the Austin City Council voted unanimously back in August to cut the budget of the city's police department by roughly a third, officers throughout the Texas capital city have been quitting in record numbers. Austin's new district attorney has also implemented a policy allowing for police officers suspected of … [Read More...]
(Natural News) On April Fool's Day, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg publicly announced that his social media platform is unveiling new "Covid vaccine profile frames" that users can add to their profile pictures to shame their unvaccinated friends and family members into getting jabbed for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The plan is to … [Read More...]
(Natural News) After months of not having a hosting platform due to its largely unmoderated content, alternative social media platform Parler could soon be back in Apple's App Store, just so long as the company continues to censor certain topics. Apple CEO Tim Cook told the world that he hopes Parler "comes back" now that the company … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Over the past few months, world leaders have been pushing for the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. People have started looking forward to the end of the coronavirus pandemic even as new mutations of the virus continue to appear, confident that herd immunity will soon take over. But liberals are singing a different tune. In a … [Read More...]
(Natural News) Health officials shut down the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mass vaccination site at Dick's Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City on Wednesday afternoon, April 7, after 11 people suffered adverse reactions to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Medical staff at the Dick's Sporting Goods Park site "determined two … [Read More...]