It’s Time To Take Time To Pray For Morals and Values To Be Restored And Creators Commandments Adhered To With Honor And Ferventcy—Millions Upon Millions of Lives Lost In Less Than A Single Year! The Death Toll of Black Cows in the “Manmade Heat Laser Wave Were Left Out of the Numbers Below, But All the Animals Lives and Property Should Not Be Discounted Or Trivialized. This is War‼️


It’s Time To Take Time To Pray For Morals and Values To Be Restored And Creators Commandments Adhered To With Honor And Ferventcy—Millions Upon Millions of Lives Lost In Less Than A Single Year!  The Death Toll of Black Cows in the “Manmade Heat Laser Wave Were Left Out of the Numbers Below, But All the Animals Lives and Property Should Not Be Discounted Or Trivialized.  This is War‼️ 

Check it out:

Have you heard about all of the farms, distribution centers, and food plants that have been mysteriously burned down or destroyed?

The government is not predicting a food shortage. They are creating it! Open your eyes! There are WAY too many incidents in the past year for it to be a coincidence.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Enjoy thousands of books and journals and videos to improve, educate and thrive in times of yet more change! Organic non toxic lifestyle every day! Independently published by Laurel Sobol— if book links are broken or no longer available then find books on Amazon. This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today. Join over 8 billion people global in healthy creation of Elohim, our Creator. The timeless manmade Apocalyptic Star Wars with UFO technology, Geo, Weather, Disease Dispersal Warfare against Bene' Qodesh must end forevermore. People must dream, believe, hope. strive for the world and space they know is fantastical, beautiful, exotic, wonderful and miraculous --just the way our great I Am our God made it all. Soli Deo Gloria forever. ⭐️ Sponsored by Organic Lifestyle Today! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Laurel Sobol