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Confirmed: Tennis Legend Djokovic Won’t Compete at US Open Due to Biden’s Discriminatory Vaccination Policy

by Paul Joseph Watson
Americans will be denied opportunity to see champion because he's unvaccinated.
Image Credit:
Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

Fresh from his Wimbledon victory, spectators at Flushing Meadows will be denied the opportunity of seeing one of the game’s all time greats purely because the White House is continuing a discriminatory policy that has been dropped by most other major western countries.

“The U.S. Open organisers have said they would respect the Government’s rules on non-citizens being fully vaccinated in order to enter the country, ruling out Djokovic,” reports the Daily Mail.

The Serbian, who has won the US Open three times before, won’t risk traveling to the country and experiencing a repeat of his atrocious treatment by authorities in Australia, which ended up in him being deported.

Djokovic previously told the BBC that while he is not against vaccinations, he has “always supported the freedom to choose what you put in your body.”

“I’m not going to go to America if I don’t have permission, so the Australian saga for me was not pleasant at all,” he also stated.

“People still think I forced my way to Australia and tried to come in with no papers, permission or exemption – it is not true. That was proven in the court cases, so I would never go into a country where I didn’t have permission to travel,” said Djokovic.

Maybe Djokovic should just join a migrant caravan and sneak across the border, given that there are zero vaccine checks on those people entering America.

“It’s an unhappy reminder that America continues to discriminate ruthlessly against vaccinated people by banning them from visiting the country, even though its own health agencies admit that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission,” writes Will Jones.

A petition calling for Djokovic to be allowed to enter the states to compete at the tournament has been posted here.

As we highlighted earlier this month, following his 7th Wimbledon title victory, Djokovic vowed that he wouldn’t cave and get vaccinated simply to further his career.

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