
Showing posts from January, 2022

Happy Chinese New Year Celebration 🎊🌸

Country Days and Bliss ~Mysteries of Topanga Canyon (Little House of Miracles)

From the beginning of time spring has been a time of love of Elohim’s creation renewal and buds blossoming and life reaffirmed in new growth of nature and animals and people. With the Asiatic New Year Approaching on Chinese New Year Celebration 🐯🎉🌸🐉 We Greet and Welcome YHWH’s Love Everywhere! War, Bane of Earth Begins Most Often in Spring Too, Until Now Because The Onslaughts of Manmade Apocalyptic Star Geo Weather and Disease Dispersal Warfare Genocide Global Never Ceases‼️ Therefore Spring Wars Must End and the Incessant Wars Both Friend and Foe Must Cease Fire Permanently‼️ A Conscientious People Working Together To Keep Populations From Exploding and Ruining Earth Is Going To Be Permanent, Ethical Family Planning With Biorhythms, Plants and Herbs, ands Will to Work With One Another Is Key!

Happy Chinese New Year 🧧🌸🐉 🐯

Enrich your family— Laurel Marie Sobol Ebony and Mamasita Two Incredible Women Who Shaped the World (Little House of Miracles)

Urgent Updates—— Not to mention Biden and inappropriate behavior with others. —Now Biden who is caught up in fraud tyranny and bribes with Russia and Ukraine from the Obama years as President, including money laundering and hiding all his deeds…Is now readying US Military Troops for war in Ukraine a day after sending aid to Ukraine? Biden who illegally took the office of President of USA through voter fraud, a man whose credibility is zero, with the lowest rating in American history, is trying to go to war with Russia, his friend? Makes no sense! Was Tonga nuclear testing site prior to Biden nuking America in friendly fire, to have said it wasn’t American friendly fire but Russia instead, who would be the wiser because Pentagon Fauci and NWO have one thing in common, global genocide monetary gains! Biden who left USA Military troops deserted and killed In Afghanistan 🇦🇫 Neurotic Manic Pullout, Leaving Lives Lost of Afghanistan citizens alike and America leaving US Military Equipment totaling $80 Billion for US Pentagon trained Taliban‼️ ——-The United States withdrawal from Afghanistan put more than $80 billion worth of equipment — including 22,174 Humvees and 33 Black Hawk helicopters — in the hands of the Taliban. Rating False About this rating Context It's true that over a span of 20 years, the U.S. spent more than $80 billion to train and equip military forces in Afghanistan. Did US Leave More Than $80B Worth of Equipment ……m