
Showing posts from June, 2021

All Youth Alert 🚨

Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab 'Cover-Up' Made Her Fl...

Other toxins especially in organic brands and—ARSENIC In BABY FOOD - What The Hell Is Going On?!

Israeli rescue commander: More bodies found overnight at Surfside condo ...

June 29, 2021 - News EditorsRussia calls America a ‘liberal totalitarian state’ with a ‘monopoly on the media’ and ‘irremovability of oligarchic elites’

June 29, 2021 - Zoey SkyAmerican professor reveals China deleted patient samples, confirms coronavirus was already spreading before “official” timeline June 29, 2021 - Nolan BartonStudy: Lockdowns have led to an increase in excess mortality

June 29, 2021 - Ramon TomeyWHO scrubs its own website, quietly removing recommendation that children should not be vaccinated against covid

COVID-19 Brain 🧠 Damage—

June 29, 2021 - Ethan HuffPatent document shows that DARPA built covid with the help of Bill Gates, WHO

13 year old boy dies 3 days after COVID Vaccine

Candace Owens: AOC is distracting GOP while Dems work to federalize police

Israel Earthquake Today | Scary Magnitude 7.3 Hits Israel's | Weather Today

06/28/2021 / Ethan Huff CLAIM: Vaccine “police” now going door-to-door in California pushing covid injections

06/28/2021 / Zoey Sky The government shouldn’t force young adults and teens to take experimental coronavirus vaccines, says inventor of mRNA vaccines

06/28/2021 / Ethan Huff Vaccine coercion by proxy: Kamala demands people “knock on doors” and harass unvaccinated people

06/29/2021 / Ethan Huff Mortality rate from Delta variant eight times higher in “fully vaccinated” individuals

06/29/2021 / News Editors Make-a-wish Foundation says it won’t help terminally-ill kids unless their entire family is vaccinated

06/29/2021 / Ethan Huff The greatest threat to humanity isn’t “covid,” but rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial & Military & Educational Complex

June 29, 2021 - Zoey SkyPolls reveal Gen Z make up the bulk of people refusing coronavirus vaccines

June 29, 2021 - Ramon TomeyHYPOCRISY: Professor slams Australia for insisting on human rights – but not for its own citizens

June 29, 2021 - Arsenio ToledoFauci LIED to Congress when he said he didn’t know why Trump canceled grant to Wuhan lab

June 29, 2021 - Ethan HuffSubway’s “tuna” sandwiches may not contain any actual tuna, according to recent lab tests

June 29, 2021 - Ethan HuffJ&J ceases opioid business following $230 million settlement and the deaths of 500,000 Americans

FEATURED Mom-of-3 “Excited About Getting Vaccine” Dies from Blood Clot in Brain Following Astrazeneca Jab posted 2 hours ago

Asia is covered by a tornado apocalypse! Thailand and Malaysia have suff...

3 Largest hospital systems in Massachusetts implement vaccine mandate, nearly 130,000 workers affected


06/27/2021 / News Editors Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about COVID shots for children

06/27/2021 / Arsenio Toledo VAXING THE RICH: Morgan Stanley to banish unvaccinated staff and clients from its New York offices

Walk on By ~cover

Taiwan Earthquake Today | Magnitude 9.7 hits Hualien city | Weather toda...

UK regulator reports increase in period problems after coronavirus vaccination

Fauci lied about email releases, said he had “no control” while rules revealed he “personally reviewed

Alaska Scary Earthquake Today | Magnitude 10.5 hits Chinaik city

Alaska Scary Earthquake Today | Magnitude 10.5 hits Chinaik city | The I...

Rest In Peace RIP 💫 Collapse of Champlain Towers South Condo In Florida Caught On Camera