Sea Vegetables- Seaweed by Laurel Sobol

*** Enjoy thousands of books and journals and videos to improve, educate and thrive in times of yet more change! Organic non toxic lifestyle every day! Laurel Sobol Author Page This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, please join over 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress

by Laurel Marie Sobol
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Seaweed ~Sea Vegetables ~Algae. Check out my seaweed book too! If you don't see it for a few days it's coming!

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  Seaweed is amazing, it is the perfect food, medicine, mineral, vitamin packed vegetable and fruit.  Seaweed is an algae.  Seaweed is a super food and an adaptogen, meaning it is packed with goodness, and helps the body to work at its best.
  Believe it or not, trees and forests exist beneath the sea, seaweed algae forests.  There are many kinds of sea vegetables, seaweeds, algae, but organic non toxic is the only one best and safest.  There are three kinds of seaweed, brown, red and green.  Kelp is brown seaweed and one of the most nutritious.  It is called kombu, when kombu kelp seaweed is used in broths, soups and heated dishes, it is more nutritious.  This goes for other seaweeds too.  
  Brown kelp, kombu, has the most phytonutients of all the seaweeds.  Kombu is the best sea vegetable aiding in weight management because when consumed, it gives you the feeling of being happy and full.  Kombu is the most utilized, most consumed and when eaten with organic grains and beans, most completely nutritious.  
  Kelp, kombu, has Fucoxanthin, a component that aids the body to metabolize fats.  There are other seaweeds, all beneficial, including nori, the sea algae vegetable seen and used to wrap sushi.  Dulce does too.  
  Seaweeds are so wonderful because they contain most of the nutrients and electrolytes found in our blood.  Kombu, brown kelp is again one of the best in the area too.
  Kombu for example, and many of the other seaweeds have calcium and iron.  Seaweed helps with many body mechanisms and functions.  It naturally wants to step in and balance systems that are off balance.  
  The pineal gland is vital for our health, and is damaged in most people because of toxins and toxic exposure, especially from fluoride and or chloride added to drinking water.  
  To make a long story short, more on this can be found in my other books and videos, but to sum it up people are in Apocalyptic Times for decades from manmade technologies that far excel that of UFO technologies.  
  Seaweeds are vital for life and health.  
Healthy heart
Healthy brain
Healthy metabolism and weight
Detoxification from toxins and heavy metals
Iron source
Calcium source
Healthy body
Healing blood
Lowers LDL, bad cholesterol
Healthy digestion
Cancer fighter
Helps clean blood
Alkalizes blood

  Sea vegetables get nutrients from the sea through their leaves because they don’t have roots.  Seaweeds sea algae help in other areas:
Fights stroke
Healthy agriculture additive
Healthy animal feed additive
Earth oxygen stabilizer
Ocean foods supply sea animals, plankton, and is critical to the food chain

  Types of sea vegetables:

Hijiki, Nori, Kombu:

Kelp, Laminaria digitata, kombu.  Kombu helps to restore human body function and relieves fatigue, balance, restore constitution and build bodies strengthening them.

Nori is known as laver, Porphyra teneraor and also known as yezoensis.  Sheets of nori are wrapped around sushi, and used in soups.  They can also be wound wraps to help protect injuries and help heal the wound.  Raw nori is best, but is excellent when heated in soups and broths as it unlocks healing properties.

Dulse is another kind of sea vegetable called Palmaria palmate.  Red seaweed.
  This sea vegetable is found off the coast of Ireland and Scotland in cold waters.

Irish moss Chandrus crisps makes a thickening agent and gelling agent, carrageenan.  Very nutritious and healing.  Gelatinous and does not come from animals.

Bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus, a sea algae from the British shores, a brown sea vegetable that is very mucilaginous because of the polysaccharides.  Also good in:
Beta carotene
Other minerals
Thickens soups and broths, other dishes

Sea Palm:  Postelsia palmaeformis, is a brown seaweed mainly found in North America and Canada grows above water and has a thick hollow stalk, which helps to identify it.  It often is found beached and drying naturally in the sun.

Wakame is a brown sea algae Undaria pinnatifida and good and useful in many things:
Promotes lots of healthy bones with abundant calcium
Fucoxanthin, metabolism booster helps burn fat
Insulin resistance.  Fucoxanthin stimulates the fat burning protein into activation, called thermogenin.  Wakame is identifiable because of the thick vertical band in the center of it’s wide leaves.

Sea algae seaweed called Arame Eisenia bicycles and Hijiki Hizikia fusiformis, grow along the Asian coast of China, Japan and Korea.  Excellent in:
Healthy thyroid function

Seaweeds have as much as 20 times more vitamins and minerals than land vegetables.
Sea algae have so much of a good thing, you will likely feel lucky like I do.  Some things, and please don’t mind if I do repeat myself at times, I am vey excited about the many versatile properties of seaweeds and mentioning great qualities for reinforcement educational and apothecary measures seems fitting here for me.
Vitamin K
Vitamin C
Panothenic Acid
Omega-3 fatty acids
Abundant polysaccharides
Algin, slows fat digesting enzyme lipase
Beta glucans 

Algin is in brown sea vegetables, like kelp, kombu, bladderwrack and wakame.  As brown sea weed expands, it gives a sense of well being, which slows down the appetite.  It also slowly releases it’s goodness and nutrients, so the body is operating smoothly and happily.

B-glutans, Beta-glutans are found in sea algae, especially brown seaweed.  The adaptogen quality of these Beta=glutans are the biological mechanisms that help our immune system get balanced, strong, and fortify our bodies.  Also additional qualities we get are:
Balance blood cholesterol

Fucoidan polysaccharides, especially found in brown kelp, kombu, wakame and other brown sea algae vegetables like bladderwrack.  Fucoidan polysaccharides have sulfur molecules called sulfated polysaccharides which are extremely beneficial in:
Reducing pain and suffering
Reducing blood clots by blocking pro-inflammation enzymes and prostaglandins
Immune boosting

Agarose is found in red sea vegetables, in the cold water of Scotland, Britain, in coastal areas, naturally.       Agarose is a gelling agent and is a gentle laxative, aids in digestion and is a healing component especially when added to soups and broths brought to a boil.  

Carageenen found in red Irish moss seaweed is a wonderful thickener and stabilizer in foods and deserts.

Sea Vegetables abound in the loving and kindness graces of our creator.  
Heart Health, myostatin, with the ideal ratio of potassium and sodium
Cellular and blood of our body have a similar make up to the seaweed plant component.

Some seaweeds especially a combination of red, green and brown have about 90 nutrients and poly-nutrients that make strong bodies.
Strong hair
Strong nails
Strong skin
Strong eyes
Resists cancer
Heart health
Stroke prevention
More Vitamin C than oranges
Good mental health
Prevents low hemoglobin
Balances mood
Resists sugar cravings
Cleans digestive tract
Fights fatigue
Iron rich

Additionally sea vegetables have:
Ergost which body converts to Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
Prevent thyroid malfunction goiter
Reduces serum lipids, white blood cells and T-cells 
Reduces flight and fight mechanism and 
hippocampus over-wrought responses
High in calcium
Alkalizes blood preventing disease and cancer
Prevents birth defects, folate
Prevents dry eye
DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids
Hight fiber
Healthy baby in utero
Good memory
Good balance
Anti-obesity, helps people feel full longer
Lowers blood pressure
Pineal gland health
All brain health
Brings out flavors of foods with glutamic Acid, especially found in red Irish moss sea algae
Tenderizes food
Excellent spice
Phyto-nutrients and photo-chemicals help body to detox heavy metals and toxins, including radioactive  elements
Speeds up healing from injuries and illness
Helps body to absorb calcium
Health and beauty creams to enhance skin appearance bringing out a natural glow and shine
Skin exfoliator
Facial mask to detox skin
Reduces heart stress and fatigue
Reduces infant neural-tube defects
May give additional five years or more youthful living quality
Good prostrate health
Contains rare antioxidants 
High in trace minerals

Seaweeds, especially brown wakame, kombu, kelp offer:
B-12 folate necessary for DNA and RNA synthesizing DNA and copying DNA, ie RNA
Help make new cells
Support and maintain nervous system
Healthy immune system and function
Fucoxanthin stimulates the liver to produce DHA and reduce bad LDL cholesterol
Decreased systolic blood pressure

In about 100 grams of brown sea kelp, wakame benefits such as these are derived:
15% daily calcium value
Decreased systolic blood pressure
Nori has up to 30% protein
Kelp increases Glutathione
1 gram fat
45 Kcal
1 gram sugar
9 grams carbohydrate
3 grams protein
Manganese 1.4 mg:  70% daily value
Folate 196 mcg:  49% daily value
872 mg:  27% daily value
Calcium 150 mg:  15% daily value
Copper 0.3 mg:  14% daily value
Iron 2.2 mg:  12% daily value
Vitamin B-2 0.2 mg:  14% daily value
Phosphorus 80 mg:  8% daily value
Vitamin B-3 1.6 mg:  8% daily value
Vitamin B-5 0.7 mcg:  7% daily value
Vitamin C 3 mg:  5% daily value
Vitamin E 1.0 mg:  4% daily value
Zinc 0.4 mg:  3% daily value
  In many states a person can harvest up to ten pounds of seaweed a day.  Watch for logs and sneaker waves, and quick shifting tides to be safe.

  Other essential elements, trace elements, electrolytes in sea algae include:

  Seaweed is a heavenly gift, a medicine for your apothecary cabinet, especially brown kelp, kombu, wakame, and bladderwort.
  Heal wounds, high in usable iodine, use organic pure non toxic seaweeds only.  Sea vegetables are an essential key to wellness and maintaining health, not just of the body, but the body, mind and soul.
Additionally sea algae has these things to offer.  Keep in mind the ratio of kelp to red algae is about 2:1.

Feel better
Helps with diabetes
Mental Health
Blood balance
Nerve balance
Restless Leg Syndrome
Nervous System
Pineal Health
Thyroid funciton

  While most drugs are loaded with toxins, approved by the FDA, they have a helpful, and often life saving qualities.  The side effects of most drugs are dangerous to other parts of the body and system, in most cases, with adverse side effects including death.  Wellness comes with time and patience.  As people get better health naturally, their doctors will hopefully be able to reduce or eliminate many or most or even all of the medicines that had been prescribed, that is an ideal outcome.  Profit at the hands of peoples lives is not what medicine should be about, but it tends to be about that a lot of the time.  Get well, feel better, as good as you can, every day.  
  I write a lot of books, make a lot of writing and artistic journals, and create videos to help people find their joy, their happiness, by exploring the world, nature, around them.  I am a teacher of all levels globally.  I want people to have large versatile selections of reading material, journals to be creative in, and watch videos with informative messages, poems, songs, and classes.  I hope that in time every senior living and hospice center can benefit from my material, especially journals and videos with only quality content and as commercial free as possible.  Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to bring entire stories, story clips, and fairy tales, health and lifestyle, beauty and home, national park and general information to you.  Classical music to fine art and photography, especially of national parks is incredible, of which I offer the world.

  I write here today, as an act of faith and love of God, to help other people feel better, be their best, be able to be productive happy people, and even if it is just a bit of feeling better, that is better than not feeling a bit better.

  My story goes back some time.  A process, a long time, almost twenty years, dedicating my life to God, giving him thanks for all his love, his kindness, his warmth and goodness.  My work is just giving back a tiny bit of what God gives me.  Since it is likely to take many years for most of my works to reach a large population of people, I have put the transmission and distribution of my material into the discretion of God himself.  God has a way of getting things to people in the time it is needed, he has many angels and archangels to assist him in this work.  That is how I believe, the power of God and the blessings of miracles.  Soli Deo Gloria

Seaweed, kelp, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
180 kJ (43 kcal)

9.57 g
1.3 g

0.56 g

1.68 g

0.05 mg
0.15 mg
0.47 mg
0.642 mg
180 μg
3 mg
0.87 mg
66 μg

168 mg
2.85 mg
121 mg
0.2 mg
42 mg
89 mg
233 mg
1.23 mg

  There are many kinds of additional seaweeds, and they are all important.  The essential thing I wanted to convey in this book, is that seaweed, is a superfood, and has so many things that are good for you.  The realization is that sea algae is a whole food in many respects, a whole food packed with everything in it.  One could almost live solely on it, but it is good to add variety, and not miss out on the complete package our bodies need, have seaweed with organic beans and organic rice, fruits and vegetables.  It’s just nice to realize that such exists in the world.  Regardless of what people say, it is important to care for our world, protect it as best we can, and keep it as pure as possible.  
  The indiscriminate use of nuclear power plant production on the rise, it’s additional counter productive waste and byproducts used in and on everything, is something that future generations must consider, and try to eliminate.  People can’t fathom what is happening in our world today.  
  That is why seaweed is so vital and critical all at once.

  Laurel Sobol lives in western America with her husband, three children, two dogs, one cat, and one fish.  God bless you.


*** Enjoy thousands of books and journals and videos to improve, educate and thrive in times of yet more change! Organic non toxic lifestyle every day! Laurel Sobol Author Page This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, please join over 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress