Life Changing Classes! ๐๐ธ๐๐๐๐ถ๐๐๐ฝ❤️๐ป๐
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Chakras Horoscope and
By Laurel Marie Sobol
Chakras are the natural phenomena of God’s love and grace upon his creation. Every person has their own chakra, like a hand print, that is more unique to individuals than hand prints. Every person has a chakra, of the electromagnetic spectrum that radiates from their life form, even plants and animals and nature has these chakras. The chakra is like the spiritual essence of ones being, it is a signature, and the signature fluctuates and changes through lifetimes, through a life time, and in heaven.
The chakra is beautiful because it travels with us everywhere we go. It spreads around us like an invisible cloak or shield, and the colors and energy of our chakras spread out from our being, our body, to the surrounding areas, to heaven and back, and our chakras are capable of healing, renewing, rejuvenating and restoring our body from unhealthy to healthy with practice of meditation and prayer to God, the Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, Divine Being, Jesus, and Trinity.
The chakra has nine elements, seven main chakras and a ground to sole of foot chakra, along with a heaven to crown chakra.
The chakras begin from the bottom up or the top down. The chakra is a magnetic field of rainbow colors divided into the spectrum of the rainbow color of pure white light.
Every section of our body is connected with a color of the rainbow. Beginning with violet at the base chakra connecting the grounding of one’s feet and journey through life to earth grass and soil, Mother Nature, earth, connecting our body to the earth God made and which God walks and occupies space and lives as well as in heaven.
Above Crown Chakra ~Soul to Heaven
Royal Blue Purple Golden Rainbow Color Spectrum
Crown Chakra Saharara
Raspberry Purple Rainbow Color Spectrum
Third Eye Chakra ~Ajna
Purple Rainbow Color Spectrum
Throat Chakra Purity ~Vishuddha
Turquoise Blue Rainbow Color Spectrum
Heart Chakra Renewal and Growth ~Anahata
Green Rainbow Color Spectrum
Solar Plexus Chakra ~Manipura Spiritual Vitality
Golden Yellow Rainbow Color Spectrum
Sacral Chakra ~Svadhisthana
Center of Being Orange Amber Rainbow Color Spectrum
Root Chakra ~Muladhara
Power, Strength Red Rainbow Color Spectrum
Earth Sole Chakra ~ Connecting to Earth Grounding
Vibrant Green Luminance Rainbow Color Spectrum
Connects the walk in life with earth keeping us grounded and able to walk in tune with Mother Nature in our walk with God
Chakras Are Vital
Energy Centers of the Body
Each chakra color
Relates to
Physical, Mental, Spiritual Wellness
Chakras can be used to determine overall health, corrections that need to be done for optimal health, and a course of necessary applications and meditative prayerful procedures to secure and balance health: This combined with physical symptoms gives a better idea of how one stands as a whole in optimal health.
Mental and emotional feedback, help to find the source of imbalance, at times in the life which may be a root cause of illness and imbalance in a system as a whole.
The ability to change the way we view life, and learn that we are integrated with nature, not separate from nature, and connected to God, the source of life and love of all that is in the universe.
Releasing ego when it interferes with a healthy relationship with one’s path with God.
Locate memories that Harden the heart or jade the soul, embrace these memories, engulf them in warm loving embraces, by one’s own initiative, to begin the healing of memories that have caused pain, emotional upheaval, and illness, in order to restore balance in the system and gain a full healing once the toxicity is released via prayer and meditation, and recycled into loving prayer for world peace.
Become better people, better partners, better spouses and lovers, better family and better friends with by becoming in tune with our inner self, our inner psyche, our inner heart and our inner mind, our inner third eye, and our connection with God…which is in every cell of our human bodies, and in every cell of every creation God has made.
This coming to a new awareness of self, eliminating toxic attitudes, toxic beliefs, toxic concepts, toxic people and foods, toxic medicines, and toxic beverages and water, toxic products of every kind that sickens people, animals, plants and the world.
Two factors are primarily evaluated in the better understanding and study of chakras, one is to find what is working right, which chakras are balanced in healthy, and then find out which ones are damaged and blocked or ruined in need of repair.
Root Chakra: Primeval ancient instinctual, surviving mode, life using the five senses to understand the world we live in.
This chakra involves the admenal gland
Sense: Smell
Personality: I am
Balanced energy: Vitality, wellness, healthy, happy, making and manufacturing abundance through positive actions and karma
Excessive Energy: Runaway ego, greed, sexually irresponsible and wild, nervous sexual energy that is toxic.
Deficient Energy: Lack of self-esteem, feeling lack of love and feeling, feeling unworthy, depression, lack of enthusiasm, feeling incapable of reaching goals and dreams.
Illnesses: Depression, chronic low back pain, sciatica, immune disorders, abdominal disorders , urinary tract infections, cold hands and feet, kidney stones, irrational fears and cash flow problems.
Things that help restore the root chakra are grounding through walking in bare feet on grass that is not loaded with toxins, walking in nature, doing squats low to the ground, nurturing the body with red fruits and vegetables, wearing red clothing, breathing deeply in sets of three, wear or place in pocket or purse red stones like red quartz, ruby, jasper and red turquoise, wearing red flowers or having them in the home in a centralized place.
Using essential oils that have rose, pepper mint,
vetiver, black petter and ginger, cedar and sandal wood, Frank incense and myrrh can help with soft music of nature sounds to bring balance to the chakra and overall health.
When the root chakra is flowing in a healthy orbit around your body, a calm and self assurance will predominate your life, you begin to trust the great divine God to help get through life in a trusting and powerful way of believing that God has a plan and he is working it for you every day of your life…
When the root chakra is flowing right, everything in the world is balanced and peaceful, and it is easy to linger and stay in the moment to live life to the fullest. The primeval fight, flight, and defend life which are basic instincts of humans in a basic reality stage of life and existence, flee from one’s psyche and life.
Try visualizing an orb of red light pulsating in the root chakra zone, the groin area, and picture all the unhealthy colors exiting so only pure red glow of light remains. Remind yourself that you are grounded, your are cared for, you are strong in God, you are loved, your needs are being met, you are safe and secure, strong and feel peaceful, and that you give yourself time to fully embrace your moment, moment by moment in life.
Sacral Chakra: The chakra that allows for creativity, sexual health, energy flow, passionate about life when in a balanced flow of energy.
The sacral chakra is the Svadhisthana, the creative, emotional, and sexual energy in people.
The sacral chakra is located below the navel and above the pubic area. The color orange signifies this chakra, eating orange fruits and vegetables, wearing organic orange colored fabrics, help to open this channel of energy flow for proper health.
Feeling lack of creativity, lack of desire, and suppressed emotional health, and sensuality dysfunction can indicate this chakra is needing repair.
Using sounds of nature, being in nature, using orange and amber stones, flowers, fruits and vegetables to consume, help to open the proper flow of energy in this chakra. Also aroma therapy, citrus and cedar oils, mint and lavender.
Things that indicate a block of flow or malfunction in the chakra are:
Sexual dysfunction
Emotionally vacant
Reproductive problems of infertility, impotence or menstrual problems
Overactive libido
Extreme emotions and drama
Hyper sensitive or distant
Blocked creativity
Over think
Lower back pain, kidney and or stomach disorders
Deficient chakra of withdrawn tendencies, lack of emotion or suppressed emotion and psyche. This makes people feel isolated and alone, sexually frigid and uptight.
Excessive chakra flow indications are aggressive, active, nervous, reactive. This excess chakra leads to codependency and emotional eruptions, and sexual addictions that are toxic.
To gain a healthy flow of the sacral chakra:
A feeling of being comfortable in your body is the best indication that the flow of sacral energy chakra is flowing as it should. Sexual dysfunctions dissipate, and a healthy sexual balance of emotions ensues. One’s passion for life with a balanced yin yang, creates a wellness, an ability to be emotionally sexually balanced, and a creativity can be restored. Understanding limits, setting limits on relationships with healthy boundaries, is the result of a balanced sacral chakra.
Opening blocked chakra of the sacral area is possible with catharsis, physical release of pent up emotions, as with all the chakra regions, this is done through release of energy, being physically active, allowing emotions to flow freely, and enjoying the results like a purge of toxins released from the system.
Opening the sacral chakra involves examining one’s perception of sexuality as what one learned from early in human development. Restructuring and maintaining a healthy understanding of sexuality and creating a new healthy perception of what it is, what it can do for you, and how to enjoy the body you live in.
Stones helpful for balancing the sacral chakra are moonstones, amber, tiger eye, carnelian, orange calcite and jasper.
Understanding the things that bring about abrupt anger and emotions and dealing with them right away are a way to restore the balance in the sacral chakra. Finding your moment of peace, living in the moment, not racing ahead, not trying to block or resist or counter reactions of others, or elevate the tension and toxic back and forth of negative conversations or interactions, helps to regain self control and a comfort zone that is comfortable to live in your own skin without regrets and disappointments.
Dealing with addictions is the first step in dealing with emptiness or gaps in life sometimes, discovering why, when, and then learning how to get away from these addictions, with a therapist, with nature and journal writing, and with filling the emptiness and gaps with loving additions, loving alternatives, healthy activities and stimulus.
Find ways to show your body, heart and mind that you love and honor the temple God gave you. Read quality literature that uplifts and educates your life.
Picture the amber ball of chakra color in the sacral chakra as radiating with vibrancy and life, clean clear flow of energy that is not grey or dark brown, but orange. Allowing the flow of creativity and adventure back into your life, doing things that bring you joy, travel or activities you have not done before, or have loved doing in the past but you don’t do enough of, and spending time with people who bring you joy and happiness.
Scents of essential organic oils, candle light, and soft music can help cleanse the sacral chakra and other chakras too. The oils and scents especially good for the sacral chakra are orange, jasmine, gardenia, rose, bergamot, lemon, and ginger.
Yoga poses like goddess, pigeon poses, and camel help balance the sacral chakra.
Bringing good laughter and humor into your life helps bring balance into life too, good movies and joyful books, and writing happy thoughts in your journal every day are positive things to do.
Solar Plexus Chakra
What is a healthy solar plexus chakra? This chakra is bright golden yellow like the sun when in full operational and functional levels of health and wellness.
Having a healthy confidence, not fake ego, a calm inner direction of where you are going and what you want to do. Having a flow of feeling that the world is right, inside of you, and the world is a good and safe place.
Achieving this satisfaction within, and realizing your potential, is a great feeling when the chakra is balanced.
Like all the chakras, things from the past or present may pose a risk for blockage of the flow of healthy energy. Set in stone attitudes that no longer apply, or never did apply, trauma in life, unhealthy memories or suppressed memories can and do blockages of energy flow.
Solar Plexus Chakra is Manipura, and center of our will power, your self esteem and ability to transform energy flow.
A lack of vitality, flow of energy over all in the body, over indulgences or eating too much. Feeling insecure or not being assertive, or think too highly of yourself via ego inflation, addictive behaviors, not able to set boundaries that are logical and good. Developing and catering to codependent relationships, digestive disorders of the abdomen and colon, imbalanced sugar levels, and excessive weight around the abdomen.
An off balance solar plexus chakra when lacking energy flow causes a lack of feeling in the psyche and body.
Excessive flow of this chakra energy makes people feel upset, angry, and frustrated aggression about things.
Proper flow of the solar plexus energy gives people a well being sensation, renewed energy and enthusiasm for life and living, ability to keep thoughts in order and innate strength to deal with life issues with calm and order, and God’s grace.
Restoration of the solar plexus chakra…
Step into the world with a brave heart, don’t stay in the same rut that you thought was safe and bringing you down into the dregs of life. Alter the way of dong routine things, change things up, go different places and different ways of getting there, try new hobbies, listen to different new music, be open to changes and opportunities God presents to you in your life to open up your mind, your heart, your soul to experiences that are beautiful, healthy and positive for spiritual development and life.
To aid the production of healthy chakra flow in the solar plexus, avoid toxic people and encounters, surround yourself with people who are not belittling or critical or negative.
Discover within yourself what it is that is holding you back, is it thoughts, ideas, concepts, beliefs, or faulty ideals? Regain perspective in your life, and build on strong morals, values, principles that build you up and add to the greater good of your life, the environment, and the world.’
Eating organic pure foods as close to their natural state as possible, grains, herbs, turmeric, ginger, mint, maca, yacon, and wheat, corn and lemons.
Solar energy, getting your source of natural Vitamin D, helps, with moderate exercise like daily walking for twenty minutes or so, help to balance the solar plexus energy flow. Releasing toxins in the solar plexus and overall body through releasing of tensions through proper exercise and diet help eradicate outbursts of emotions such as anger and resentment, or inhibitions, and trust issues.
More herbal therapies include calming teas, lemon grass, ginger, champmile, rosemary, thyme, and sage.
Solar plexus anomalies arise from being the victim in your life, being targeted or feeling like you have no say in your life, no power to change yourself or your surroundings. Taking responsibility of your power as a child of God, taking back your life by making it more meaningful and vitally important. Taking charge of your life with the grace of God.
Confirm and reaffirm positive words to yourself, you are enough, you are a good person, you can make a difference in your world and the world at large. You can be strong and beautiful and good, without being over bearing and a threat to others because you choose to not be victimized by your own imprisonment brought on by illogical thinking and toxic living choices.
Learn from past mistakes and poor decision making, learn from the trials of life, this one and the past lives, and find humor for the things that brought you joy and goodness in times past and present.
Stones that are good healing crystals are amber, tiger eye, citrine, topaz and golden opals.
For anything in life that is toxic, be it the relationships or partnerships, or other form of interactions, if it is unhealthy it should be deconstructed and built on positive energy, not toxic energy. Living life on the path of God, requires one to ask of themselves whether they are on the path of God, and is the path they are on, in the relationships they are in, is this leading to a good quality of life?
Self care, good grooming, knowing your limits, knowing your potential, help build self esteem and this helps the solar plexus chakra stay in balance. This also shows you self love for yourself, which is vital for living.
Visualize your solar plexus chakra radiating energy like the sun in a strong pulsating aura of light. Essential oil therapy for the solar plexus cypress, cedar oil, thyme, Rosemary, lavender, turmeric and clove.
Cleansing your solar plexus chakra with singing, dancing, exercise, yoga and other activities will all help.
Heart Chakra ~Love and growth
The heart chakra is the color of vibrant green, and stands for balance, unity, and power.
A healthy heart chakra gives positive affirmations that you are on the right path in life. Being able to love freely, give openly, and happily, receiving the joy that comes from being true to your inner self and heart.
Abuses from any time in life, trauma from past or present, adhering to a toxic lifestyle when you know it is not serving you or God, affects the heart chakra.
The heart chakra Anahata is located in the center of the chest area and the element is air and wind.
To activate the proper flow of this heart chakra and allow for healthy mind, body and soul, requires acknowledgement that strategies need to be activated to allow the heart chakra to live and thrive for ultimate joy, happiness, and connectivity to God.
Feelings, ideologies, and the way your body feels internally aches and pains, or otherwise neurological symptoms involving every part of the body. The heart and nervous system are connected, pain in the body is often associated with the heart. The body is made of cells, each cell is a mini brain, and connected to the heart and nervous system, creating a whole body heart chakra effect.
A list of the conditions suffered by an unbalanced heart chakra, is part of the list for imbalances in other chakra areas.
Disconnected from others, a sense of doom, anxiety and or depression, chronic pain and suffering, holding on to bitter feelings and emotions, co-dependent relationships, resentment and jealousy of others, fear of life and situations, difficulty in giving or receiving friendship or love.
Also there may be problems with the heart, circulation, breathing concerns, allergies, or other heart discomforts.
Ask yourself if you feel right about doing things, you know you’d rather not, set a parameter of where it is okay and where it is not okay to oblige others.
Herbs like cannabis help the system to balance, being true to yourself, giving love to one’s self and being gracious about it, allows you to be more giving to others when you choose to do so.
Cedar, Frank incense, myrrh, rose, sandal wood, sage, basil help to purify the heart chakra.
Green fruits and vegetables, green stones, green flowers, green clothing, all organic and pure in nature, for the ultimate heart chakra balance.
Seek answers from the past to the present evaluate them, bring a healing energy to those times and events, nurture the inner psyche of yourself, so true healing can begin. Empathy, compassion, understanding self, helps to contribute these expressions in better understanding others.
Allowing self love gives us the opportunity to love others, and to embrace feelings which are often originating in the heart, all kinds of feeling that we try to ignore or hide within our selves, if a feeling is suppressed long enough it can add to disease and imbalance which leads to further diseases.
In prayer meditation to God, allow feelings to come and pass through you, allow God to recycle the energy in a pure loving way, to help nurture the heart of Mother Nature, others, and back to healing yourself inside out.
A humble, grateful, loving heart is gracious, and at one with God. This opens up the blocked heart chakra as well.
Stones and crystals for heart chakra healing are emeralds, jade, green turquoise, rhodenite, ruby, Chrisocolla and green rocks and stones. Green organic clothing, fruits and veggies, spending time in the green of nature, grounding and feeling the wind through the trees, listening to the music of nature and birds, as well as inhaling pure air, helps to restore the heart chakra.
Essential oils, rose, lilac, pine, cedars, gardenia, Jasmin, yang yang, all call out to the heart and help restore it.
Loving and being capable of loving others is essential for heart chakra balance flow of energy. God says to forgive one’s enemies, and this ability to forgive others, is one of the most beneficial gifts God directs us to do with our lives, because it is literally and figuratively a life saver, taking stress not needed in the heart away from the heart and releasing it in prayer and meditation. God takes it from there and healing ensues.
Try eating green foods you have not tried before, like mooring green tea, maca, yacon, collards, and other greens found in specialty markets or order them directly from sources that bring them in from other countries. There is a lot of healing and pure nutritious foods not known by many people just waiting to be tried, and that have healing properties.
Every day love yourself, do kindness to yourself and others, and hug your family and loved ones much.
Throat Chakra Vishuddha
The area of communication, speaking, breathing, expression of ideas and self. The throat chakra is located behind the neck and it balances our true selves, our identity, creativity and comprehension.
A healthy throat chakra allows for clear fine tuned communication within ourselves, and communication with others, the creativity of beneficial conversations and communication that allows for a wholesome experience, secure in sharing communication, ideas, art, music, songs and other forms of communicating, via texts, blogs, or books and journals.
A blocked throat chakra hinders optimal communication style and means, stealing time by not being able to communicate, can leave people feeling isolated and alone.
Some things that indicate blockage or irregular flow of energy in the throat chakra are enlarged lymph nodes, thyroid problems, hearing problems, speech problems, sinus problems, being unable to speak your thoughts, thoughts come out different than you are trying to convey them; foisting your thoughts on others, not listening to others and being over bearing.
The throat chakra is blue, breathing from the abdomen, full even breaths, helps to calm and sooth the body, relaxing in breathing, practicing gratitude, thankfulness, happiness, love, and joy of life daily help us to open up our communication channels and be creative in how and what we are trying to express to our inner self and to others, and the world. This practice helps us to have genuine conversations and prayer in communicating with God.
Using organic pure foods, teas, essential oils, mint, pine, gardenia, rose, sage, and using blue stones like turquoise, blue rocks, and crystals, lapis lazuli and blue kyenite. Wearing blue organic fabrics, and being out in nature to enjoy blue skies, blue lakes and the sea all open up the throat chakra.
Becoming a partner in a conversation is important, not just the speaker, listening is as much of an art as speaking, and often it is the unsaid words that are said the loudest.
The throat chakra is activated into a natural flowing balance with ylang yang, myrrh, Rosemary, thyme, oregano, mint, lavender, and rose oils.
Filtered water, pure air, are best for throat chakra health. The quiet found in meditation and prayer give individuals peace and time to listen to God’s inner guidance. Instead of constantly trying to attain new things for self, give back to God by being receptive to the messages he has for you in quiet times set aside as often as possible during the day.
Third Eye Chakra Ajna
The third eye chakra is vital for human beings, and it is the dimensional sight given by God, that is one of the hardest areas to balance and maintain.
With toxin overages in all areas being asserted on the third eye, fluoride buildup that calcifies the pineal gland, from toxins added to drinking water and products consumed. The third eye is delicate and hard to maintain. The third eye chakra is about the unseen, visions and dreams, like a movie or slide show inside the mind between the eyes and set back into the middle of the brain. The pineal gland chakra works best when the flow of energy is not hindered by toxins, beliefs, lack of understanding, and other things including diet and lifestyle.
The third eye chakra is located at the pineal gland, and it is a communication tool between God and individuals. If people fail to believe the gifts that are stored in the pineal gland, it is too bad. The pineal gland is like a miniature brain inside the brain. It is the place called the seat of the soul. An open and healthy flow of energy in the third eye chakra, gives clarity, opens communication, insight, develops the psyche, develops psychic abilities and ESP.
Ignoring what the pineal gland is and the third eye, to mock or ridicule this precious gland, is to do a great disservice to oneself.
The color of the third eye chakra is indigo, and the blue green is healing and vitalizing in nature.
Blocks in the third eye chakra lead to excluding oneself from the gifts the third eye have to offer.
Negating any knowledge the third eye has to give through dreams and visions, and psychic abilities.
The ability to accept the gifts of God through the pineal gland show gratitude and thankfulness.
Blocked third eye chakra can cause distorted vision and reality, mental and physical illness, sleep disorders, disease. The pineal gland regulates most of the systems in the human body, and a lack of proper energy flow can through the system off balance.
Too much energy flow in this chakra lead to imbalance of systems in the body, and a lack of flow leads to closed mind philosophy, not wanting to open the mind to ideas, thoughts, visions or dreams, and is very stunting in growth of concepts and theorizing.
The overall health of the pineal gland can improve with organic living and lifestyle, removing the fluoride from toothpaste, drinking water, and other products. Foods can help decalcify the pineal gland are broccoli, garlic and onions, and eating foods and drinking beverages that are as pure as possible without toxins.
Sunlight is good for the body and pineal gland. Darkness activates the pineal gland for optimal health, so it is important to sleep in darkness so the pineal gland can restore itself to help the third eye chakra blossom with the radiant energy flow it is in need of.
Essential oils for the pineal gland are ylang ylang, rose, cedar and myrrh, Frank insence, and other oils you find pleasing.
Cannabis can help re-energize the third eye chakra with it’s ability to revitalize it and because it is an adaptogen. Humans have cannabinoid receptors, to help feel balanced and well over all.
Stones to help heal the third eye chakra, are purple amethyst, crystals, opals, and others.
Purple foods like egg plant, purple carrots and potatoes, blue berries, black berries and other fruits and vegetables that are purple like cabbage.
Keeping a dream and vision journal and recording your dreams can help you see what God may be showing you in your dreams, or what your higher consciousness is trying to convey to you through your dreams and vision.
Crown Chakra Sahasrara the Sanskrit meaning ‘Thousand-petaled’ blooms at the top of our head and is associated with the lotus flower.
The lotus flower crown chakra is the energy platform of consciousness within and of the universe, and incorporates awareness of God and his divinity. This crown chakra is where the soul enters the body upon life, and departs the body upon death.
A balanced crown chakra gives a sense of wellness and well being, a sense of wholesomeness and love from God to us individually. Wisdom flows freely from the psyche and we are able to embrace the intuition and grace of the spirit.
Out of balance crown chakra gives an out of balance system, the body is out of synchronization, it becomes ill. The crown chakra is where thoughts, wisdom, awareness, and our oneness connection with God which is vital for good health.
The crown chakra can be flowing properly with love and thoughtfulness.
Stones and rocks that help the flow of the crown chakra are amethyst, selenite, purple crystals.
Essential organic oils like cedar, Frank incense, lavender, help with free balanced energy flow of the crown chakra.
Setting regular bedtime hours can help the mind establish that resting on a schedule as often as possible is very therapeutic and essential.
Wearing violet organic clothing, perfumes, essential oils, lilac, flowers of the purple and violet hues, and eating organic pure purple and violet fruits and vegetables are all important.
Chakras are part of our nervous system, and electromagnetic spectrum signature, located within the spinal cord. Light emanates from our nervous system, and flows with energy of life from God’s great love when he made people and all his creation, each with a chakra and energy flow directly connected to God, our maker.
For optimal life experience it is important to keep the body healthy and vibrant with the proper flow of energy, yin and yang, and to live a balanced life with a balanced human body that is our operating system. The entire body is a system of balanced operations, from the cellular level, to the speed of light level in the flow of neurons, protons, and electrons.
When the body gets out of balance, when the chakras are not flowing energy properly, the body may become ill, disease may set in, and more sickness ensue.
A proper diet, organic foods, products, a natural way of living, using natural materials, natural foods, natural medicines, natural water, all pure and without toxins adds to overall health not only of human systems and bodies, but to the overall health of life, and the earth.
Sometimes people have lost their aura, another word for chakra, an aura is the colors that mainly are around people, individuals vary in their aura, and flux of energy may occur as naturally as day and night.
People around the world all emit aura energy and chakra energy. This energy flows into the earth where the magnetic field arises, and flows from there, and upwards into the atmosphere straight up to heaven. God can always find us by our signature aura and chakra, it is more easily seen than an embedded chip for identification or a finger print.
The flow of every living being energy flows up and around every individual. Not only can God see and know this aura and chakra from every person and being, it has been recorded on fine tuned electronic equipment by governments studying such topics. It is God who has the power to know even this misuse of power among nations globally. Such misuse of power means that with the matrix grid in place, no person or being is safe from the possibility of being a target from bad people or entities. With such information, it is possible for bad intending persons or industries, or governments to use
Cell Towers
Space Fences
Intentional Disasters
Solar Plasma
Earth’s magnetism
Toxic Vaccines and Medicines
Toxic Foods and Products
Nuclear Power Waste, Radiation, Byproducts
…Some in combination or all, to violate people of God and others, to direct electromagnetic energy waves and to direct these waves and the above technologies to target dissidents, those who oppose global or any type of genocide or destruction of God’s creation, be it one person, a group of people or entire world populations.
Such technologies are used to manufacture storms of unprecedented types, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, dispersal of diseases, weather, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, warfare pre and post warfare setup, destabilizing economies, leaving millions dead and homeless yearly, taking tolls on world personal and group finance, homes, expenses, creating high insurance, shortages of building materials, high cost of living, destruction of forests, not caring for our forests in the first place.
Forests that are struggling against the ensuing and long range warfare in progress for over 60 years. Being in the fifth civilization to undergo genocide, and rising up from the ashes to salvage the rest of God’s creation, is now in progress too.
Chakra Notes:
Chakras are the rainbow of spectrum energy that flows like from the electromagnetic chart of energy types
To have a maximum of health and life quality
It is important to keep our chakras flowing with good positive energy and love…The rainbow is distributed to different parts of the body beginning with the earth ground sole of foot chakra
Moving up to the root chakra
Moving up to the sole of ones being to the center of earth, Mother Nature connecting them walking in balance
Archangels and Days of the Week
Sunday ~Archangel Jophiel also known as Archangel Ariel
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra Yellow
Merit and virtues Wisdom
Monday ~Archangel Chanuel
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra rose pink
Merits and virtue Love
Tuesday ~Archangel Michael
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra royal blue
Merits and virtue Will and Will Power
Wednesday ~Archangel Raphael
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra Green
Merits and virtue is Healing
Thursday ~Archangel Uriel
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra purple, red, blue
Merits and virtue is Peace
Friday ~Archangel Gabriel
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra is white light
Merits and virtue Purity
Saturday ~Archangel Zadkeil
Color in electromagnetic spectrum chakra is violet
Merits and virtue Freedom
Archangels in the Horoscope
Begin with
The yearly calendar begins in Aries, the spring time of the year from ancient times before the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, God’s precious son.
Aries: March 21 Through April 20
Archangel Ariel, also known as Archangel Jophiel
Ariel helps people in the world with relationships, love relationships, nature, renewal, spring, love, friendship, partnerships. Archangel helps people achieve their dreams. Ariel helps us to be passionate, compassionate, empathetic, towards God’s creation, people, nature, and the world. Toxic relationships need cleansing through purification by embracing the gifts of God in our lives, and releasing toxicity, through prayer and humility, encouraging us to recycle in a loving purification way that heals the earth and heaven and ourselves with love and kindness.
Taurus: April 20 through May 21
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is the great helper in finding lost things, from the smallest thing to the soul seeking the right direction along life’s path with God. Chamuel helps with finding love, relationships that are healthy, career abundance and joy, and finding lost friends who have been left behind in our life for one reason or another, generally from ignorance and lack of empathy, lack of compassion, or simply being over whelmed in life’s cycle of events. The friends who share their sorrow and burdens need to be valued and appreciated, not have people run away from them in their time of need.
Gemini: May 22 through June 21
Archangel Zadkiel
Zadkiel is here to help people forgive, others, self, psyche, so that people can release the toxicity of bitterness or fear, anger, anxiety, things in life that need to be replaced with love, kindness, and goodness through releasing toxic aspects people hold within so that a pure light comes into being of healing and nurturing through God’s beautiful grace.
Archangel Zadkiel helps us to have balance in our heart and mind, to let our chakra radiate it’s light in a healthy way and emission.
Cancer: June 22 through July 23
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is the great protector of people, he wants to safeguard you in life, from those who would thwart your plans God has for you, and Gabriel helps clear the path that lies ahead in your walk with God. He is all about family, parenting, children, fertility. Gabriel also helps us to discover our fortune in life, and to protect us with God’s grace.
Leo: July 24 through August 23
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is the angel who reveals life’s secrets and mysteries to those who will do good works for God with such giftedness.
Raziel helps us with unblocking toxic thoughts over the lifetimes, and bringing balance and structure through dreams and dream interpretations with the grace of God’s love and light.
Raziel is fancy and theatrical with pomp and circumstance. Raziel helps people to balance their inflated or depressed ego, helping us to feel energetic and in balance so we can come to prayer in humility and gratitude to God.
Virgo: August 24 through September 23
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is God’s healing angel and helps people to release negativity and toxicity in our lives, restoring balance. Metatron helps people to bring old habits of challenging and pushing agendas into a balanced non confrontational perspective and energy, altering an otherwise toxic controlling issue into a more compassionate and empathetic tone and interactions with others. Metatron helps to alleviate worry by giving alternative means to communicate and solve problems.
Libra: September 24 through October 23
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is the angel helps people to recover balance in their lives by showing us the whole picture, the beauty, the clarity, the positive energy in the situation, thus giving a whole picture of the situation, so that clarification takes place and a cleared mind and heart, allow for better decision making and a better life.
Scorpio: October 24 through November 22
Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Jeremiel helps people to release toxic attitudes and energy with positive reinforcing ideas and practical problem solving. Jeremiel helps with growing psychic and psyche gifts from God, helping us prioritize our lives
Sagittarius: November 23 through December 22
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel helps people to calm and stabilize energy so a calmer approach and dialect can take shape with more meaningful language and communication of ideas and thoughts. Raguel helps us to appreciate old and new friendships and to release toxic relationships with dignity and compassion to ourselves and others with diplomacy and God’s grace. Archangel thus allows more happiness and joy into our lives allowing for a flow of energy that permits and allows for happiness in greater abundance through trusting in God.
Capricorn: December 23 through January 20
Archange Azrael
Archangel Azrael helps us come to a healing in ourselves, from over work, over committing and over-doing projects in life that can and do overwhelm us to the point of becoming ill. Azrael is the angel who helps transition through the rebirth experience allowing for a renewal of self and psyche, helping us to restore the balance of work, pleasure, and life, with God’s grace and timing.
Aquarius: January 21 through February 19
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is the angel of psyche, mind matters, problem solving, and healing. Archangel Uriel wants us to be balanced, find harmony, using intellect, heart and soul in a balanced and healthy way that opens up the communication of prayer and higher consciousness allowing us to connect with God easier and in a more pure way.
Pisces: February 20 through March 20
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is the angel of music, and brings people born Pisces creative insight and inspiration in life, as well and calm and peace in the psyche, replacing chaos with balanced peace and love. Finding meaning in music, in the rhythm of life, and the words spoken in song, especially songs praising God.
Life forces given by God, our creator, beautiful, and each person is a transceiver and receiver, emitting out light from God around the universes. What we do what we are returns back to us through God, who made us all. We are made of star dust molded by God himself.
Laurel is a seeker of justice and life, well being for God's creation. Believer in good stories
about almost all genre, ages, subjects and materials. Believe once again that stories can be great and productive, teach with honor and love, made with honor and love of God for the world to be a better more splendid place. Whether it is nature stories, fairy tales, animals, poetry, education, planners, calendars, journals, home and garden, school and office, it is about bringing more of a good thing into your life. Soli Deo Gloria forever.
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