Is a spectacular region on earth
With glaciers unusually low,and
Whose appearance is a major
Attribute to the conditions and
Habitat where many birds and
Animals live. Organic farming
Practices used for millions of
Years are best sustainable
Practices that have been
Reintroduced lately by caring
The beauty and pristine
Area of this vast country
Is staggering. That there
Are unethical things going
On here are things that
Need to be understood
For the welfare of all God’s
Creation, use of technology
Meant to save God’s
Creation have been turned
Against all God’s creation
Such as HAARP with
Hundreds of stations global
And space fences that span
Almost all continents and
Sea, lake floors, and in
Outer space, it’s imperative
To bring back ethics and
Morals back into the world
And God most of all to
Prevent any further global
Genocide, and end the last
Genocide of the civilization
The birds that live here
Include a bird most precious
To my heart and soul, the
Wandering Albatross, of
Whom I have written a book
That has been broken down
Into chapter books for easier
Enjoy the paperback book too available at fine book outlets.
***This is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, please join over 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress