Organic Lifestyle Today
The cranes are amazing birds, they live for about two decades, and mate for life. They like marsh lands and tropical forests to live and nest in. Their spring mating dance is one of the finest dances on earth. Enjoy nature at it's best.
I had my first encounter with a crane near Point Magu, in Southern California on the beach. It was evening time and i was with my family and friends. A huge crane landed in front of me, startled me because I did not know what it was, then it flapped it's wings and danced, and my eyes were amazed at the sight.
Laurel Marie Sobol invites you to support and grow awareness with over 8 billion people globally in restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever ***The ongoing global genocide of the 5th civilization of mankind and God's creation will never do again. Soli Deo Gloria, we can do this thing!
is the home and supporter sponsor of Organic Lifestyle Today, and one of 8 billion people global so please join us in awareness and restoration of human rights healthy earth healthy inhabitants forever. Soli Deo Gloria. He didn't make everything to see it all go bye bye via global genocide in progress