One Rajasthan Village Celebrates Birth of Girls by Planting Over 100 Trees~

Every time a girl is born 111 trees are planted

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139: 13-14
This should of been a great post for 8 of March (The International Day of Women) but when I think about it there is no need for a special day to appreciate what this Indian village is doing with their community.
For the past 8 years the Piplantri village in the district of Rajasthan keeps a tradition of planting not one but exactly 111 trees for EVERY girl born there. What is more fascinating for me is that usually in the Indian society (and in many other countries) many expectant parents still say they'd prefer bearing sons than daughters, well apparently not in this village.
Shyam Sundar Paliwal, the former head(panchayat) of Piplantri who started the scheme in 2006, explained in The Hindu that while the parents plant the trees, the panchayat opens a fixed deposit account for the child... more


Chocolate Trees~ Organic

Oregon Trees by Laurel Sobol
Something we all know in our hearts acceptance no more
We come to the world platform and globally say
No more GMO's Glyphosates, Fluoride, Bromide, Agent Orange,
D-D-T, 2-4-D ~All Nuclear Waste Byproducts ruining the world
Ruining Forests from constant chemicals dropped from skies via polluted rains and 
Airplane plumes
Same plumes and rains sprayed on foods and in our water
Over the sea and directly on you and me
We need to restore human rights globally all of us together 
Or none of us will be able to a darn thing alone
Let's do this thing and do it peacefully now and forever
poetry read by Laurel Sobol
Chocolate Trees
Chocolate pods grow on trees
In the tropics among rainforest trees
Chocolate pods grow
And are pollinated by tiny little flies
That get stirred up when little pigs play
Among the mud puddles in rainforests
Without the little pigs and tiny flies
To pollinate the lovely chocolate pods
Organic chocolate for me, for me
Fair trade if you please, if you please
The darker the better for health you see
Truffles made of pure organic chocolate easy to make
I love to eat organic truffles in the forest
There’s nothing like it
Double boil organic chocolate until melted
Then add organic whipping cream a teaspoon at a tme
Until the melted chocolate thins to a softer texture
Use organic canola oil, safflower oil, or unsweetened organic butter
To line the lids of jars used for truffle molds
Or use some other things clean and dried for your mold instead
Fill the mold to the top and set in the refrigerator to cool and harden some
Truffles are best left in the refrigerator for a day
So prepare a day ahead of time
Best of all make sure you bake with friends and family
Because there’s nothing like baking in the kitchen
Making truffles happen
Then sharing them together~
Try it sometime


The Theobroma cacao, usually called cacao. Theobroma is Greek  meaning food of the gods. Cacao is native to Central and South America, but  is grown  throughout the tropics. 70% of the world’s cacao is grown in Africa~ most from slave labor, or child labor, or both.  Big name
A cacao tree can produce close to two thousand pods per year. The ridged, football shaped pod, or fruit, of the cacao grows from the branches and, oddly, straight out of the trunk. The pods, which mature throughout the year, encase a sticky white pulp and about 30 or 40 seeds. The pulp is both sweet and tart; it is eaten and used in making drinks. The seeds, were you to bite into one straight out of the pod, are incredibly bitter. Not at all like the chocolate that comes from them.
cacao tree
The fruit attracts forest animals, like monkeys, parrots, birds, and other animals who eat the fruit but cast the seeds aside, dispersing them and allowing new trees to sprout up. It’s hard to imagine why humans ever thought to do anything with the seeds.
The pods are harvested twice a year. Trees are too fragile to climb, harvesting is accomplished by workers on the ground, who use a machete or a long pole with a machete on the end. Then, workers open the pods by hand, taking care not to damage the beans inside.
cacao beans
Next comes one of the most important steps in the process – fermentation. The beans, still sticky with pulp, are placed in earthen pits or wooden bins and covered with banana leaves, then left to ferment. The heat of fermentation changes the bitter flavors in the beans into something more edible, more chocolatey. The sugars in the bean turn into acids, the color changes from pale to dark brown, and the pulp residue melts away. The length of the fermentation process depends on the type of bean; the higher quality beans may need only a few days, where others may need a week or more. After fermentation, the beans are dried in the sun for about a week. The flavor continues to develop during this time. Some manufacturers try to speed this process along by drying the beans over a fire, which gives them a smoky, inferior flavor. Once the beans are dry, they are ready to be shipped to a factory, where they are turned into chocolate.
No chocolate without flies: For the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) fly pollination is essential for fruit production, with various levels of self-incompatibility in different cocoa varieties. These flies essential to cocoa are very small midges of the families Ceratopogonidae and Cecidomyiidae, and these small flies pollinate the small white flowers emerging from the stems on the blossoming cocoa flowers. In addition to these midges, Ornidia obesa (a flower fly) may visit the cocoa flowers, since it is widespread in tropical cocoa plantations and larvae live in organic waste in the moist environment.
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